Whiplash – a pain in the neck, wallet and much much more

Driving and football: admittedly two very different skills. Yet for me they have a common ground: a very low point scoring history. Great for one but not the other. My annual car insurance premium offer has just come through the letter box this morning and it, much like my past glories of attempting long range… Continue reading Whiplash – a pain in the neck, wallet and much much more

Not Lifting: The Real Occupational Hazard

Over Christmas the clinic got a much needed makeover; a fresher look and more space allowing for movement and exercise. As it was Christmas I was also getting in as much family time as possible so had plenty of “help”. By this I mainly mean wiping splashes of paint off the wooden floors (not all… Continue reading Not Lifting: The Real Occupational Hazard

Records – there to be broken

From Easter Bank Holiday 2017 Ah yes! A long weekend. After a long laborious weeks work you’re looking forward to kicking back on a Friday evening, feet up with a glass of your favorite tipple and catching up on your latest Netflix addiction. Until you realise it’s Good Friday in Ireland; only the second day of the… Continue reading Records – there to be broken

Glutes are key! No Butts About It

I like big butts and I cannot lie, a common ground both I and 1990’s American rapper Sir-Mix-a-Lot clearly share. But what interests me with the human derriére is far more than its aesthetically pleasing values. The role the gluteal muscles play in our everyday and sporting lives has become more and more evident as research emerges (you other… Continue reading Glutes are key! No Butts About It

Exercise-make your motivation more meaningful

What if your motivation to exercise was far beyond why most January joggers will be clogging the paths or joining gyms? Or what if it was more than to fit into a lower dress size or jeans? What if your motivation was something more? A longer, healthier, better quality, less stressful, more invigorating life. Interested?

A healthy, injury free 2017

Motivation is at an all time high. This is the year (again): ‘Couch to 5k’ programmes, attractive gym offers, adventure races, triathlons, your imminent return to team sport after retiring 5 years ago, another long distance endurance event to chalk off the list. We’re all in the same boat with personal goals whatever they may… Continue reading A healthy, injury free 2017

Chartered Physio comes up Trumps

Who to choose? They both make promises and do agree on certain issues but still they have very different ideas on very important agendas. Some obvious, others subtle little differences. One is female, the other male. One promises to work together to break down barriers, the other assures you they will eradicate the problem, create boundaries… Continue reading Chartered Physio comes up Trumps