Whiplash – a pain in the neck, wallet and much much more

Driving and football: admittedly two very different skills. Yet for me they have a common ground: a very low point scoring history. Great for one but not the other. My annual car insurance premium offer has just come through the letter box this morning and it, much like my past glories of attempting long range… Continue reading Whiplash – a pain in the neck, wallet and much much more

Some deals not up for debate

Channel 4’s Deal or No Deal was my guilty pleasure in University. An early finish on a Wednesday and home for a fix of Noel Edmunds coaxing people to change their mind over the box with the unknown sum of money inside that they had been randomly allocated. Probability and statistics, calculated risks – so… Continue reading Some deals not up for debate

Not Lifting: The Real Occupational Hazard

Over Christmas the clinic got a much needed makeover; a fresher look and more space allowing for movement and exercise. As it was Christmas I was also getting in as much family time as possible so had plenty of “help”. By this I mainly mean wiping splashes of paint off the wooden floors (not all… Continue reading Not Lifting: The Real Occupational Hazard

Room to Improve our message with back pain

My television time is limited. Not by choice. I love a good Netflix binge when the chance arises. But long workings days coupled with a busy family life does not afford me that luxury at present. Yet my Sunday is not complete without catching up with Dermot Bannons latest renovation project. The shows template is… Continue reading Room to Improve our message with back pain

Exercise-make your motivation more meaningful

What if your motivation to exercise was far beyond why most January joggers will be clogging the paths or joining gyms? Or what if it was more than to fit into a lower dress size or jeans? What if your motivation was something more? A longer, healthier, better quality, less stressful, more invigorating life. Interested?

The Rise of Diabetes

What if you were told a debilitating disease you had was reversible? Yes you would have to make some simple lifestyle changes, but a life limiting, chronic, debilitating disease could be a thing of the past. You would make the necessary changes…wouldn’t you? Diabetes affects approximately 382 million people worldwide, accounting for 8.3% of the worlds population,… Continue reading The Rise of Diabetes

You Deserve Some Truth about Back Pain

I came across a startling statistic recently that surprised and also angered me a little bit, and I’m not easily angered. Only 7% of people who attend their GP with back pain will get referred to a physiotherapist. Now I always struggled a bit with maths but doesn’t that leave 93%? So what happens them?… Continue reading You Deserve Some Truth about Back Pain

Stand up to back pain

– “It hurtsh when I sh!t”. – “Sorry, it hurts when you..?” – “When I sh!t”, he quickly interrupted. “You shee? Like thish”, as Adriaan, an elderly dutchman took his seat in the clinic and continued to describe his low back pain. “It painsh in my shpine when I sh!t like thish”. I suddenly remembered a… Continue reading Stand up to back pain