Extreme lengths for some Alone time

Daddy Day Care started out brilliantly with real enthusiasm by all of us. I looked at it as a once in a life time chance to catch up on time missed out in the previous 6 years with our three boys. And they too seemed equally excited about the prospect of having Dad around a… Continue reading Extreme lengths for some Alone time

Not Lifting: The Real Occupational Hazard

Over Christmas the clinic got a much needed makeover; a fresher look and more space allowing for movement and exercise. As it was Christmas I was also getting in as much family time as possible so had plenty of “help”. By this I mainly mean wiping splashes of paint off the wooden floors (not all… Continue reading Not Lifting: The Real Occupational Hazard

Glutes are key! No Butts About It

I like big butts and I cannot lie, a common ground both I and 1990’s American rapper Sir-Mix-a-Lot clearly share. But what interests me with the human derriére is far more than its aesthetically pleasing values. The role the gluteal muscles play in our everyday and sporting lives has become more and more evident as research emerges (you other… Continue reading Glutes are key! No Butts About It

Exercise-make your motivation more meaningful

What if your motivation to exercise was far beyond why most January joggers will be clogging the paths or joining gyms? Or what if it was more than to fit into a lower dress size or jeans? What if your motivation was something more? A longer, healthier, better quality, less stressful, more invigorating life. Interested?